help make all that we do possible. volunteer your time to help us joyfully share God’s boundless love in all in our community
Sunday Mornings
Volunteer on Sunday morning to welcome people to worship, help prepare and serve communion and care for our young people. Note, volunteers who work with minors must be background checked before serving in this awesome ministry.
Fresno State Football Parking
Welcome our community to our campus and help raise funds to support vital ministry by volunteering a few hours to sell parking tickets during Fresno State Football Games.
food distribtuion
Monthly we serve our community by giving food to those who need it most. Volunteers are needed on the third Saturday of the month from 7:30 a.m. to 9am, and the Thursday (12-2 p.m.) and Friday (9-11 a.m.) before to prepare. All ages and physical abilities welcome.
Community Garden
Help feed our neighbors by volunteering to water, weed, and harvest our newly planted community garden.