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Joyfully sharing God's boundless love with all in our community without limitation, exception, or condition.


We are a church that believes in the centrality of Jesus for our life and practice, and the welcome of all people into the full life and leadership of University Presbyterian Church, including people of all sexual orientations and gender identities.


core values


Six core values bring clarity to the things that matter most to us at University Presbyterian Church. They anchor us in who God has called us to be, guide how we achieve our mission, and influence major leadership decisions as well as everyday ministry plans.

+ Rooted in Jesus

Because of God’s redemptive love, we center our individual and communal lives on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

+ Excellence in Worship

Because of God’s awe-inspiring goodness, we strive authentic, soul-filling worship that brings glory to God by bringing our best.

+ Authentic Relationships

Because of the relational nature of God, we are committed to being present to one another in community as we journey through life together.

+ Service to Community

Because of God’s self-sacrificial love for the world, we are called to imitate Christ by humbly serving our neighbors.

+ Unity over Uniformity

Because of our oneness in Christ, we don’t have to think alike, look alike, or act alike in order to belong.

+ Lifelong Learning

Because of Jesus’ call to love God with our whole selves, we value questions, honesty, and wonder.


Denominational Affiliation


University Presbyterian Church is a part of a connectional church. As such, it is one of the churches in the San Joaquin Presbytery, and a member of the Presbyterian Church (USA). It participates in the ministry of these bodies as they reach out and serve in the Central Valley, our country, and the world.


Our faith is contained in the essential orthodox Christian beliefs as best expressed through the Book of Confessions.


Have questions about who we are or what we believe?

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