









Sunday mornings are the hub of our community. It’s a great place to check us out, get to know people, and get plugged in.


10 am – Worship Service

Experience a welcoming, family-friendly worship service in our Sanctuary every Sunday at 10 a.m. Our time together includes inspiring congregational singing, led by our choir, a beautiful pipe organ, and a contemporary band. Each week, we celebrate Communion as a reminder of God’s love and grace. We look forward to worshiping with you!

During the school year, children from 4-4th grade are invited to join Godly Play, our children’s Sunday school ministry, or remain in service with their family where they can make use of the toys, books and drawing materials set up just for them. A Family Room is also available at the back of the Sanctuary. Youth (5-12 grade) gather in the Youth Room during the service, except for the first Sunday of the month when the Youth participate in worship. Nursery care is available for children ages 4 and under.

10 am – Lao Language Service

Join us for Lao-language worship, Bible study, and fellowship. Led by Pastor Tony, our Lao Fellowship gathers every Sunday morning in the Lao Worship Room at 10 a.m. for worship and 11 a.m. for Bible Study, except on the first Sunday of the month when we worship with the entire congregation in the Sanctuary.


Have questions about  our services?
