

We can’t wait to meet you



We are so glad that you are considering being our guest.


Our Sunday morning gatherings are one of the best ways to connect with others and get a feel for what we at University Presbyterian Church are all about. We have two worship services for you to choose from. The 10 a.m. gathering is a blended English Language Service with music led by our choir, organ, and worship band. We also offer a Lao Language service which meets at 10 a.m. in our Lao Worship Room. Both of our 10 a.m. services worship together on the first Sunday of every month.

All of our services are relaxed in style, meaning there’s no dress code, and you are invited to come as you are. During the service, you are welcome to follow along, or simply observe as you feel comfortable. We hope that you will make yourself at home!


we would love to connect with you personally this weekend!

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Our Montessori-based children’s ministry for ages 5 to 4th grade begins after Labor Day and continues throughout the school year during worship. Children who would like to participate in Godly Play are invited to begin in the service with their family, and then walked to the Godly Play room by one of our children’s leaders after the announcements. You can then meet your child at their classroom after worship concludes.

Youth 5th grade and up gather to creatively engage with stories from Scripture and wrestle with the hard questions that this season of life brings. Youth meet in the Youth Room on Sundays from 10-11 a.m., except for the first and fifth Sundays of the month when they worship with the whole community.


Children in Worship

We value children being a part of our faith community and not an accessory to it. Because of this, if you prefer your children to be with you in worship rather than in Godly Play, children are welcome to sing, dance, clap, draw, and move about as they feel comfortable. We have a play space and tables in the Sanctuary, as well as a Family Room located at the back of the Sanctuary with a changing table and some toys for the kids. Professional nursery care is available for children 0-4 years old during all services.


Coffee & Conversation

After services you are invited to join us for a cup of coffee, or drop in on one of our Adult Education classes that take place in Fireside Room and online most Sundays of the year. We love to linger and this hour gives us the opportunity to connect, get to know one another over a cup of coffee, or dive deeper into the Bible or a hot-topic issue in an Adult Education class.



Our campus is located on Roberts Avenue, off of Cedar Avenue between Bullard and Barstow Avenues. Ample parking is available.

Let us know that you are joining online

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