Lent at UPC: The Hardest Part
Lent is a season of truth-telling—a time to stop pretending everything is fine and admit how hard life can be. Lent invites us to sit in the wilderness, to confront the heartbreak, the waiting, and the fragile hope that lives in the tension. And yet, it’s also where God meets us—in the mess, in the ache, in the strange, beautiful way love sneaks in when everything feels like it’s falling apart.
Join us for worship on Sundays at 10 am where we explore the hurt we carry, and the hope we find.
Lenten Connection Groups
In Person & Online after Sunday Worship
Faith happens best in community, and for those wanting to go a little deeper, we will be hosting Connection Groups in person and online for the first five weeks of Lent. No preparation is required, simply come explore each weeks theme together with an attitude of curiosity and exploration. Groups will meet on campus and online immediately following worship. Nursery care provided. Activities for children and youth.
Questions? We’d love to connect!